As of July ‘18 the gROW Tulsa initiative is starting to take shape.
Demand for the gROW Tulsa program has increased steadily. In June, we presented to the TulsaSTEM Alliance Advisory Council, demonstrating how to apply scholastic lessons to rowing activity. Since that presentation we have been in discussion with the Opportunity Project to start an after school pilot program at either Hale or Will Rogers in the Fall. The program will last six weeks and will involve rowing activities and STEM based activities. Additionally, gROW Tulsa has established a partnership with the girl scouts of Eastern Oklahoma. During the day-long rowing workshop, girl scouts will learn to row at the University of Tulsa rowing tank, followed by an afternoon of rowing on the water in Catoosa. Finally, gROW Tulsa will be featured in the Tulsa Public Schools professional development workshop this fall. We will have the opportunity to teach TPS educators how to teach rowing technique on the Concept2 rowing machine and discuss potential lesson plans that can be applied.
As interest in the program grows, we need support to enable us to staff requests and programs adequately. Currently, one individual, who already has a full-time job, is volunteering his time to market the program, develop lessons plans and provide the training discussed above. We continue to fundraise so that we can address requests more efficiently (e.g., to provide rowing instruction at more than one school at a time), establish more programs and lessons and pay coaches to help us grow and develop the program. We have already raised a nominal amount of money and are in contact with other interested parties.
The RowingSTEM curriculum continues to develop. We have be in communication with Durham boat company who have started RowingSTEM experiences with a local middle school. In addition, we have established a relationship with Quiske a company based in Finland who specialize in technology that helps to empirically measure rowing technique. The data that we can obtain from their technology will help us design activities and experiences that will help students understand data analysis involving graphing. A youth rower from TYRA is helping to assist with the development of labs. At this point, we have nine RowingSTEM activities for various grade levels from elementary to high school. Finally, we have met with the Tulsa Fab Lab to discuss projects that could be incorporated that utilize the makerspace environment.
In conclusion, the future is bright for gROW Tulsa. If you would like to support our efforts or partner with us, please contact us at