1. The diverse number of schools in our program allows students from all over Tulsa to meet and build relationships.
2. Our equipment allows us to create a training environment that provides rowing experience from the smallest one-person boats to the largest eight person boats.
3. Our program has competed on the international stage and that has allowed our athletes to explore the world and represent Tulsa at the highest level of competition possible.
4. Our athletes have experienced the largest rowing event in the nation (Head of the Charles on Boston) and enjoyed the benefits of visiting colleges and learning more about college rowing.
5. Our athletes are well trained and compete at the highest levels of competition. This provides exposure to college coaches and enables them to be recruited by NCAA schools.
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6. College rowing has provided the chance for our athletes to study at top-level colleges and universities to help them with their future careers. TYRA has opened doors and created possibilities that would otherwise have not been available.
7. Rowing scholarships and financial aid has made college and university affordable and provided more opportunity.
8. Our upcoming basic training provides a low cost, low level of commitment to learn about the sport for yourself.
9. Our recreational gROWth program allows for athletes to participate in the sport at an affordable cost and minimal time commitment.
10. Our coxswains (athletes that weigh under 120 lbs) provide student athletes that are physically smaller the opportunity to compete in a competitive sport and learn leadership, problem solving and motivational techniques. This allows them the chance to compete for spaces on collegiate programs for future academic opportunities. Find out more >>
11. TYRA is a safe and positive learning environment where student-athletes of good character work hard toward a common goal.